About May Henrietta

Christian. Blogger. Adventurist. Country girl at heart.

5 Tips For Selling Your Stuff On Facebook

I recently posted about making over $500 this summer just by selling on Facebook yardsale groups. You can read about it here.

Today I thought it might be useful to give you a few tips and tricks to actually getting your stuff bought. Lots of people post lots of stuff on these Facebook groups and I’d say most of it sells. It depends on the price, location, and sometimes what doesn’t sell today will sell two weeks later.

Take GOOD pictures!

Be honest about your stuff

Follow the rules listed by your group admin

Write a quick and thorough description of you item

Keep your price reasonable (This isn’t Etsy. People want to buy stuff for cheap on these groups.)

How I Made $566 This Summer JUST By Selling My Old Stuff On Facebook

Facebook is an amazing place to sell your old stuff. In fact, I made over twice as much money selling on Facebook than I did on KSL Classifieds (and I didn’t even try Craigslist).

My parents are in the middle of moving and we’ve been packing and getting rid of stuff ALL summer! They were wanting to throw out so much stuff and with me being a poor college graduate, I figured maybe I could sell everything.

Surprisingly, I sold much more than I expected. Who knew an old cork board or kids paint was something someone was looking for?

I started out by selling on KSL Classifieds. It’s a lot like Craigslist but it didn’t make me as nervous as Craigslist. However, I only sold a few things. I would say that those types of selling centers are best for more expensive items. But what about all the little random stuff that I really didn’t want to throw away?

Yay for Facebook yard sale groups!!!

I enjoyed selling on Facebook because the communication was quick and easy. The best thing is that you actually see the person (due to their Facebook profile) and you get a hint of who is buying from you. That made me a lot more comfortable with having buyers come pick up their items at my house.

So how do you do it?

I’m not sure if your specific town does it, but all I did was search “yard sale” and the name of my town in the Facebook search box. I then searched yard sale pages for the surrounding cities. Usually you have to request entrance to the group, but I was added within hours on most of them.

Some of the stuff I sold include:

-Old projector and screen

-Table saw

-Lots of paint for kids


-Tennis rackets


-Food storage wheat


So before you throw away your old stuff, try selling through a Facebook yard sale group. You might end up walking away with more cash in your pocket than expected.

Starbucks Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade (DIY Style)

Do you know what makes me really upset? Spending hard-earned money on unnecessary food. And yet I still do it occasionally. We all need cheat treats, right?

I made a rare stop at Starbucks the other day while on a business trip. With some time to kill on which was a very hot day, I thought it would be a good place to relax and get an iced tea. I went with the Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade because the cashier said it was their most popular.


You heard me, folks! $3.72 (food tax included) for a 16 oz drink. Might I add that the tea mixture had been poured over ice. They didn’t even give me 16 oz of fluid and THEN add in ice.

Oh no, because that wouldn’t be profitable for Starbucks!

I did enjoy the cold drink, but ended up buying a Jamba because iced tea does not fill you up. So in the end, I ended up paying as much for drinks as I would have had I just gotten one of Cafe Rio’s delicious burritos.

Like I said, the iced tea was pretty tasty (a little watered down due to the immense amount of ice). So after looking up a few recipes, I tried making my own today. Two weeks ago I was sitting in my grandparents’ home in Europe sipping hot tea for breakfast. And now I am back in America with loads of European tea, green tea included. So I was rather excited to experiment copying Starbucks’ drink.

Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade

16 oz water

1 green tea bag

11 tbsp peach juice

2 tbsp lemon juice

1 tbsp honey

Steep the green tea in 16 oz of boiling water. Stir in the honey and let cool. Then add peach juice and lemon juice. Stir, then cool in fridge for 30 minutes. Serve poured over ice.

Remember Your Dreams

September 1, 2016

Sometimes I feel stuck. So stuck that it makes me sick. It usually happens when I focus so much on the issue right in front of me without remembering my dreams for the future. I get tired of the day to day stress. Sitting there, doing research, deliveries, starting yet another online job…Soon the days seem to just drag on.

But then I remember. I remember why I am doing all of this. I remember the beautiful two story home with a wrap-around porch. I hear the dog barking as the children chase each other on the grass. I feel my husbands lips on mine as he greets me after a long day at work. As I stand there and look around, I see fields of gold, skies of blue, the chicken coop that we built one hot Saturday and the barn where we do woodwork and jewelry making.

It is a beautiful future, one that I will do anything for. To have a family where we love and cherish one another. To have our own land and to be independent. To grow our own food and teach out children to thank God for His goodness.

Remember your dreams because they will come. Fight for them. Hold onto them. Work for them.

women. enough said.

Men, you know that women are incredible creatures. A woman is almost inhuman when it comes to selecting her special someone. Her ability to deem his body type appropriate for her in less than ten seconds, assure that their future children will be Brad Pitts and Audrey Hepburns, and by a mere glance give him the go-for-it signal wins her the true feminine reward every time.

Trust me when I say that within one minute of being introduced she is already thinking, “I could marry this guy.” Know that at this point, top priority is whether your last name fits her first name. And yes, she’s already tried it out in her head. But don’t let that dishearten you because other top priorities soon make their way to that top of the list. “Soon” as in within the next couple of minutes.

After you have received a positive vibe from her, you’ll find yourself engaging in conversation about mundane things such as school, work, preferred location, priorities, your hometown, childhood pet, and siblings. Do not be deceived by this casual conversation because she really is just sifting through your filters trying to get a feel for your level of maturity and success/failure in relationships.


So you have passed the introductions with flying colors and the first date is scheduled for Friday night. There are a few things you should be aware of.

First, she appreciates a confirmation text (“Are we still on for tonight?”, it’s as simple as that).

Second, she expects you to come up to her door to pick her up (Yes, even if she lives on the sixth floor of Freshman housing that looks the exact same as 10 other buildings around the area). So help me if you call her to tell her you’re waiting outside…that is an almost immediate turnoff. Use your masculine legs to get your tough butt up to her door.

Third, please open the doors and lead her through the restaurant, or wherever you are going. Just be aware of her presence and appreciate it. Look at her, make eye-contact, smile, and be natural. I promise she will appreciate it if you are casual and comfortable because believe me that she just wants to have a good time with you.

Fourth, watch for her signals when you are at the doorstep. If she’s digging for her keys, tenses up, or it just gets awkward, do not kiss her. Well, you probably shouldn’t kiss her anyways (especially on a first date, unless you’re heartless :)).

Give her a cozy tight squeeze while telling her you had a good time (hopefully you did) and wish her good night. ALERT: if you are not sure you like her DO NOT leave with a “We should do this again sometime, I’ll see you later.” Because if she likes you then she will hold onto that statement. Spare us the disappointment, men.

If you had an enjoyable night, you think you like her, and she seems to return the affection, then you’re smart enough to take it from here. Be yourself, let your personality shine through. Enjoy the blossoming of something beautiful.


Now just some final quirky stuff you should know about women.

She cares about your work ethic, immensely. So don’t be surprised if you come to visit one day and she says the lightbulb is out. Points for you if you jump up and offer to replace it. Double points if she says she cannot figure out the light fixture as well and you do! Do not fail this simple test. It helps her gage your level of care, thoughtfulness, and skill. #realman #heissohandy #lovethisbigguy

During your family gatherings, she will be intensely watching two things. How your parents interact with each other and how you interact with your siblings. Did your dad teach you how to properly treat a woman? Do you love your family and children in general?

Some weird first impressions to be prepared for are your car’s condition on the first date (did you vacuum and does it smell nice?), the environment of the first date, and your quality of conversation and questions (can you keep a conversation going?).

But don’t worry! You’ve got this! We are women after all, which means we really are soft-hearted and kind. We don’t want to hurt your feelings, but we are rightfully picky when it comes to selecting a partner.

Also please remember that if you are right for each other, it will click. The whole thing will just resonate with a good vibe. Even if you really like her and are attracted to her but it is feeling forced, etc. then just take a step back and leave for a while. I think that when two people come together who are right for each other, both will feel comfortably themselves and part after the evening with a feeling of content/positivity.


So c’mon, don’t be so serious 🙂 Just relax and sweep us off our feet because you sure know how to do it!



Fall Favorites

I really appreciate home. Going to school and living with roommates it great and all, but sometimes you just need to go home. Sometimes you just need to do your laundry for free, sleep in your own bed, eat normal food, and hug your mom every 10 minutes (did I just say that out loud?).

My Friday class was canceled so I figured why not come home for the weekend? I really enjoyed walking around the garden, eating fresh tomatoes and unwashed carrots, taking pictures of Fall, and enjoying the sun. No homework got done, but that’s what Mondays are for, right? Besides, you beautiful people need something to make make your day a little brighter!

So enjoy a little tour around my home where I show you my Fall favorites!


Our lavender blooms during the early summer, but we always get a late second bloom of just a few flowers. Lavender is one of my most favorite scents and its colors compliment the garden so nicely.


This picture was taken from down looking up towards the sky. Look at all those shades of green and yellow.


Potatoes! Our purple potatoes are one of the most prized garden harvests that I grew up eating during the winter. So delicious and so purple.


Because who doesn’t enjoy an artistic-looking, leaky, old faucet?


A low-lying plant that is absolutely vibrant with red.


A ground full of pine reminds me of the forests in the Czech Republic. One of the best places for a run that is soft on the knees.


Please appreciate the color contrast here.


This is one of the largest grapevines in our garden. When I was younger, we had a trampoline right next to it. So I and my friends would jump, eat some grapes, jump, eat, jump, and then run to the bathroom…TMI, but it’s true 🙂


Oh hello, delicate little creature…


And another delicate beauty.


The white fence of my childhood! Many pictures were taken around and on it. Many children clambered about it, pretending it was a train or a horse.


Do you know what grass sounds like?


Did I ever mention my family smokes? Yes! We smoke the best meat in town, people! It wouldn’t be Fall without some fresh smoked meat and steaming purple potatoes.


Fruit tree after fruit tree. I think the last time I counted we had 23. Apple, peaches, pears, oh my!


The quakers! These trees give us privacy and the most interesting symphony every night the East wind blows from the canyon.


Sage. A beautiful word. A beautiful name. A beautiful plant with incredible texture.


Ever compared a fresh garden apple to a store-bought one? The difference so apparent that you’ll never want to buy another apple again.


Just take a moment to appreciate this lovely dirt. Because it really is quite lovely.


Ever wonder what heaven tastes like? Take a bite out of a freshly picked garden tomato.


I am going to miss my parsley forest so much once winter comes! It grows like a weed and it’s so fresh, so delicious, and so green.


Green house boarding set aside for winter.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if the doctor’s cute then forget the fruit.



Little lettuce sprigs that won’t have a chance to fully grow before the first frost arrives.


Hello Mr. Grasshopper! Such big eyes and legs.


Potted herbs are a great way to keep your food fresh and flavored during the winter months.




Yes, I ate a carrot straight from the ground with dirt on it. Got a problem with that?


Final tree pruning before it snows.


The shed that I played house in way too many times growing up.



Time to carve a new perch for the little parakeets!


Beautiful caramel apples because your sister is so kind and brings you treats home from Halloween parties.


This is the home I grew up in. This is where all of my childhood memories are grounded. This is where I spent every October since I was a little girl. There are details, cycles, expectations that I know all too well. This is my place.

Happy October, friends!


what’s up! oct 17

favorite song
boom clap by lennon and maisy. it’s a beautifully mellow song that fits the mood for today’s vibrant, overcast weather.

best meal
hands down, nothing beats a meal your mom cooks. i really do need to get better at cooking for myself, but it’s so boring to make food without anybody else to enjoy…so coming home means a plateful of deliciousness!

perfect weather
believe it or not, those are windows! is not that reflection just absolutely incredible? i love fall, i love old buildings, i love my campus!

love this person
sisters are the essence of pure enjoyment. she is my best friend, my partner in crime, and my inspiration. life without her would be bland and visiting home would not even be half as fun.

fun times
life is a blast right now. i’ll be posting some fun fall pictures later…so come back for that!

in the moment
yoga! i love, love, love my yoga class and yes…i did sneak this picture inconspicuously. aren’t they beautiful people? shoulder stands are so hot 🙂

yoga challenge
“the nature of yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body.”

piano stairs. piano stairs in my house? yes, please!

car accident.

i was driving home from my internship with my coworker when we came to a busy intersection. i literally pulled up to the lights (red) with a few cars in front of me when we heard the big crash. the accident in front of us was one of the worst ones i’ve seen since school started.

there were at least 3 cars involved and one had almost the entire front ripped off. i couldn’t see the driver of that vehicle so i’m assuming the impact was harsh enough to cause him/her to fold forward. my coworker and i are both first aid/cpr certified and were ready to jump out of the car to help, but in seconds there were at least 15 people at the site.

i arrived at my apartment quite shaky and harshly reminded to be oh so cautious when driving. so my friends, don’t be in a hurry when driving. remember you can always do a u-turn and running that red light really will only save you seconds. i’d rather have you here late than never again.

what’s up! Oct 10

i am late getting this post up! but it was way past my bedtime and i didn’t want to stay up finishing it. so good morning, lovelies! it’s a beautiful october saturday and life is just dandy.

favorite song
ok. i literally cannot get enough of owl city. and this song is totally my style of music. gotta love the bird and the worm…perfect for fall, don’t you think?
The Bird and The Worm by Owl City

best meal
hooray for 3 days of raw food. breakfast this morning was a-mazing! if i knew more about chakras, i’d say my red one is very happy right now. oh and those are not blueberries…we have this awesome grapevine at home that grows these deep purple/bluish grapes (not concord grapes). yum yum!

perfect weather
i hiked the y with a friend this morning and the view was gorgeous. seriously, october is probably my favorite month. it just has so many beautiful days full of clear skies, perfect temperatures, and amazing colors. p.s. it also helped that there was a tarantula up there! happy halloween.

love this person
isaac is one of my best college buddies who knows how to have a good conversation. we’re kind of in the same boat when it comes to relationships and such nonsense so we have a lot of fun together. our evening together yesterday was a blast.

fun times
what? more korean food? yes, please! thanks, erik, for making more kimchi soup because it is so, so good! i have no connection to anything korean, but the food is just so yummily different!

in the moment
there’s just something so very special about seeing a young dad rocking his little baby to sleep in the chemistry building study area. to watch how he gently tucks the sleeping boy in the stroller and then goes back to studying. i don’t know what it is, but my heart just warms up at such a sight. but, i didn’t snap a picture, so here’s another moment. walking out of the library and i see this. byu homecoming and they lit the y on the mountain. it was a pretty sweet moment.

yoga challenge
crow pose! my, don’t i look like a lovely stink beetle! but this is one of my favorite poses because of the stability i feel when i’m in it. you can also go from a headstand into crow pose and vice versa…that’s pretty legit if you ask me.

it’s pretty funny/true and the poop emoji is my favorite one 🙂
yes, your crush poops

alright, my friends! happy weekend, and i’ll see you next weekend!

i’m a binger

first off, whatever teeny tiny flying bugs that are so rampant on campus in the middle of the day…please go away! i don’t appreciate (and i’m sure you don’t either) that at least five of you stick in my hair, face, and clothes every time I try to walk to my classes.

anyways, so i’m a binger, huh? well i’ll admit that when it comes to exercising…yes, i am a binger. i won’t go running for a few days even a couple of weeks and then i’ll snap out of it and run, and run, and run…then repeat the same cycle over again.

it’s pretty pitiful. but who’s gonna run the st. george half? you bet i will! that’ll force my training to be more consistent…hopefully. so for your pure enjoyment and to my utter chagrin, here are some of my favorite running memes.

credit goes to whomever…
Screenshot_2015-07-15-11-39-55-1 Screenshot_2015-07-15-11-41-14-1 Screenshot_2015-07-15-11-45-30-1 Screenshot_2015-07-15-11-53-14-1 and my absolute favorite because it is so, so true. every runner can attest to this, so don’t judge me.